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Website by Joao Duarte - J.Duarte Design -

Rest in peace Lemmy Kilmister- 1945 – 2015
Posted on 12/29/2015 @ 4:18 pm | 1,415 views

The Rock n roll will never be the same!
Today we lost a legend, a true rock and metal icon.
Thank you Lemmy for so many good times lived together, for the opportunities I’ve had to work with you and Motorhead.
My thought goes out to his whole family as well as his band and our Brazilian brothers (Leo, Rogerinho and Eddie) who were part of Motorhead crew and worked hard to keep rock rolling alongside Lemmy in recent years.

RIP – Top Link Music and Angra


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TOPLINK MUSIC - Official Website - All Rights Reserved 2024
Website by Joao Duarte - J.Duarte Design -